
作者:admin 时间:24-10-03 阅读数:193人阅读

by the party and government leaders at all levels fully affirmed Has been awarded the quot2005 Chinese entrepreneurs integrity,quot quoteconomic development of the Republic of meritorious character,quot quotpromote the development of China#39s public welfare Achievement Awardquot, quot2005 China#39s publicspi。


concern to permit the citizennational of the United States named herein to pass without delay or hindrance and in case of need to give all lawful aid and protection美国国务卿特此请求任何与允许以下美国公民国民过境之相关人士不要延误办理或设置阻碍,并在需要时给予法律援助和保护。

经常使用的缩写词quotOLAPquot全称为quotOntario Legal Aid Programquot,中文对应含义为quot安大略省法律援助计划quot本文将深入解析OLAP的含义,包括其英文单词中文拼音,以及它在英语中的使用频率和分类作为政府法律领域的一个缩写,OLAP的应用广泛,例如在法律援助服务的描述中了解这个缩写,对于理解和查找相关法律。



英语缩写词“MLAA”通常代表“Madaripur Legal Aid Association”,中文直译为“法律援助协会”本文将深入剖析这个缩写词,包括其对应的英文单词中文拼音“fǎ lǜ yuán zhù xié huì”,以及在英语中的使用频率分类Community类别和在非营利组织领域的应用示例具体来说,MLAA的中文解释是法律。


拓展和规范法律服务,积极开展法律援助With the expansion of cultural exchanges in the world, people#39s tastes for cultural products have become more varied随着国际文化交流的拓展,人们的欣赏习惯愈加多样化 As we extend the rule of law on earth, so must we also extend it to man#39s。

Contract breach,也可以说breach of contract例句If there is a breach of contract,the deal will be invalid直译如果这里有一次违约,这场交易将无效如果违约了,交易将无效。
